The LifePAK® CR2 Connected is a Wi-Fi or cellular network–connected device that allows you to self-manage your AED(s) via a virtual platform. With the click of a button you can check the location(s), battery status and identify any issues with your device(s).
- Fully Bilingual.
- 8 Year warranty.
- Fastest time to first shock in the industry.
- Designed specifically for the Minimally Trained Responder.
- Capable of shocking up to 360 joules when necessary.
- Full CPR Coaching & Metronome.
- Built in Infant/Child Mode using the same electrodes.
- Clear Voice Technology and auto volume according to background noise.
- Layered design allowing quick and easy access to pads.
- Four year battery and electrode life.
- Allows continuous CPR while analyzing the heart rhythm.
LifePAK® CR2 Connected