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Emergency Response Training Centre
Omni Life Support | OLS Academy | Moncton & Miramichi N.B.
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Your feedback is valuable to us and is 100% confidential.
Please select your role:
If "other" please explain:
How would you rate the following statements about your preceptorship experience with OLS Academy?
I was provided with all the pertinent information (eg. student name & how to contact the Academy, prior to the students first day.
Being provided the Preceptorship/Clinical Handbook was helpful.
I was comfortable with how to navigate the student's competency tracking application. (CompTracker)
The student's didactic time at the Academy prepared them with the knowledge required for the preceptorship/clinical experience.
The student's lab time prepared them with the skills required for the preceptorship/clinical experience.
The Academy's expectations of their students during the experience was clear.
Academy Faculty made a satisfactory effort to periodically check-in with my student(s) during the experience.
Academy Faculty responded to my emails/phone calls/texts in a timely manner.
Academy Faculty provided adequete support for both me and my student during the experience.
If there was a conflict or issue during preceptorship/clinical that required intervention by Academy Faculty, they were helpful in determining a resolution.
Overall, the experience with OLS Academy was well organized.
I would preceptor for OLS Academy again.
Additional Comments:
If you have answered a question with a 1 (Strongly Disagree) or a 2 (Disagree), please explain why:
Do you have any suggestions to better preapre future OLS Academy students for their preceptorship/clinical experience?
Please provide any additional comments:
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